During my working life, I was a CPSU delegate in TELSTRA for 28 years and I was also part of the Negotiating Committee which was responsible for the National Enterprise Agreement. I am the only union delegate in the history of TELSTRA to have been personally rebuked by TELSTRA’s CEO (Frank Blount)! When I was made redundant by TELSTRA, I received a Meritorious Service Award from CPSU.
I then began working for NTEU at Monash University and, for ten years, I was an ASU delegate representing staff working for NTEU. In that capacity, I negotiated eight Enterprise Agreements with NTEU Branches at all Victorian universities. At this time, my ASU organiser was Martin Foley (currently Victorian Minister of Health). When I left this position, I received a Certificate of Appreciation from NTEU and my ASU colleagues organised a Letter of Commendation signed by Sharan Burrow (then ACTU President).
I have sung with the Victorian Trade Union Choir since November 1996. As a member of Australian Union Singers, I have sung in Cuba (twice), in NZ (a five-concert tour) and most recently in Timor L’este (where we sang in their language Tetum). Over this time, I have sung with each of the nine trade union choirs in Australia.
Since retiring 11 years ago, I have become interested in organising retired unionists. With another retired ASU member, I set up a Retired Members Group in ASU – Private Sector Branch Victoria. Sadly, after a few years, this RMG folded. However, I kept up my involvement in the VTHC Retired Members Group and I am now heavily involved in the ACTU Retired Unionists Network.

Retired Unionists Network committee member profile: Rodger Smith