There is simply no safe level of asbestos.
Modelling shows that if we are to meander along at the same rate of removal, we will still have more than 1 million tonnes in the built environment in the year 2060, and by the end of the century, 100 years since the ban, we still will have failed to remove all asbestos containing materials. The asbestos in our built environment can be up to sixty years old and is degrading. This is really dangerous.
We need asbestos gone – now.
Australia is currently in the third phase of the Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2024-2030 which sets a roadmap to implement actions aimed at removing more than 6 million tonnes of asbestos from the built environment over the next 40 years that will save more than 28,000 lives.
The Commonwealth and all state and territory governments have endorsed the Plan, representing a commitment by jurisdictions to continue the important work being undertaken nationally to address Australia’s deadly asbestos legacy.
Sign the petition to eradicate asbestos
So far 1,951 people have signed, will you help make it 2,000?
It’s been 20 years since Asbestos was banned in Australia, but sadly the threat hasn’t gone away.
Would you believe that we still have more than 6 million tonnes of asbestos in our built environment? This is about half of all asbestos ever consumed in Australia.