For generations of young Australians, our first job experience has often been in the world of fast food retail.
Working hard at slinging burgers or working the register as someone grabs a feed on the run is often where we learn about the reality of the world of work.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
What is still all too common are stories of young people in those jobs being underpaid or exploited by unscrupulous employers.
McDonalds is one of the largest employers of young Aussies in the fast food business. It’s also one of the businesses unions are calling out for bad behaviour.
The burger giant is currently the subject of $250 million law case brought by the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association (SDA) which is seeking compensation on behalf of more than 250,000 current and former McDonald’s workers across Australia over alleged denial of paid breaks to workers.
Grace Becker is one young worker who had to work without breaks for Maccas. Gerard Dwyer is the National Secretary of the SDA.
Both are our guests on this week’s podcast.
* You can now email us with your comments, story ideas, tip-offs, flip offs, and questions – [email protected]
*On the Job is made by Australian Unions.
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Call Australian Union Support Centre – 1300 486 466
About the host
Francis Leach, ACTU – @SaintFrankly
Give us a break, Maccas..