Extend JobKeeper and JobSeeker

Australia is heading for a cliff where jobs will disappear and incomes slashed if they aren’t extended. We need urgent action to secure people’s jobs now.
That’s why we need you to sign our petition to demand that the Morrison government extend JobKeeper for another six months and keep the rate of JobSeeker at the rate it is now with the Coronavirus supplement.
Why is it important:
This crisis isn’t over. Far from it.
The JobKeeper end date is fast approaching and working people are facing the prospect of the economic trapdoor opening up underneath them as more companies and organisations start to announce job losses in anticipation of JobKeeper being switched off in September.
JobKeeper needs to be extended and expanded to cover workers in higher education, early childhood education, the arts, aviation, casuals who might have less than 12 months service, visa workers who were invited here and are now trapped.
By signing our petition, you can let the government know that if we are all in this together as they claim, it needs to provide JobKeeper to those that need.
The old JobSeeker rate was a poverty trap and Australian’s have always deserved more than $40 a day.
It was never enough to live and there can be no going back to that kind of starvation payment.
With nearly 1 million people unemployed, but the reality that there is almost an additional 700,000 who’ve given up looking for work because there are no jobs, ordinary Australians are dealing with both economic hardship and a loss of faith in the future.
JobSeeker should be permanently lifted because it provides people with a chance to pay their bills, put food on the table and not struggle trapped in poverty. We need to give all Australian a sense of hope and security.
Without extending these supports millions of Australians will suffer as the economy falls over the September cliff, jobs are destroyed and incomes are thrown back to poverty levels.