Job Security

Secure Your Future With Job Security Campaigns From Australian Unions

Job security is a fundamental right that every worker deserves. At Australian Unions, we are dedicated to defending the security of workers’ jobs, ensuring that all workers have stable employment and fair conditions. Discover valuable insights into the ongoing campaigns that fight against job insecurity, advocate for permanent roles, and push for fair minimum wages conditions for all workers. Join the movement to strengthen your workplace protections and ensure that your job remains secure, no matter what the future holds.

Protecting Workers from Unfair Dismissal and Casualisation

Union members are leading for charge to protect workers from unfair dismissals and the rising trend of casual jobs, where casual workers are denied the benefits of permanent employment. Through collective action, unions are working to secure better job protections, permanent contracts, and fair pay for all workers. Learn how unions are challenging unfair labour practices and pushing for improvement that will guarantee long-term job security for Australian workers.

Strengthen Your Rights And Secure Your Future

Being part of a union means standing together with your colleagues to demand better job security for all workers. By joining your union, you gain a collective voice that advocates for permanent roles, fair treatment, and better working conditions across all industries. Together, we can push for stronger protections, more secure work, and a brighter future for every Australian worker!

Read our articles for more information about Australian Unions’ approach to Job Security.

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Secure Jobs Better Pay reforms lift wages by $6.3 billion

The Albanese Labor Government’s landmark Secure Jobs Better Pay workplace reforms – won by union members – have boosted economy-wide wage growth by $6.3 billion over the past year.

Permanent vs casual workers’ rights in Australia

Date Published: 13/11/2024
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

In Australia, your rights as a worker can differ when it comes to your type of employment, especially when it comes to your health and safety, job security, wages and entitlements on the job.

New rights and protections for gig economy workers

Date Published: 04/11/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work Wages

Thanks to new laws which union members won this year, gig economy workers are entitled to the pay, rights and benefits that other workers enjoy.

Strings attached: casual workers are no longer just a situationship

Date Published: 23/10/2024
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

Casual workers across Australia now have stronger rights and protections, thanks to new laws won by union members.

How these workers are getting a $30k pay rise

Date Published: 15/10/2024
Category: Job Security Rights at Work Wages

Labour hire loopholes were exploited by employers – but that’s finally changing thanks to union-won Same Job Same Pay laws, which unions have already used to win substantial pay rises!

New work rights from today

Date Published: 26/08/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work

Happy 26 August! Today, new work rights come into force across Australia. Here’s what they are, why they are so important and how to make the most of them.

New work rights: what’s changing on 26 August

Date Published: 20/08/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work

In the last two years, the union movement has won the biggest changes to workers’ rights in this country in generations. Here’s what changes are coming into effect on 26 August 2024.

Using new laws to win better pay and conditions for working people

Date Published: 14/08/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work Wages

Union members are using new union-won laws to secure better pay and conditions for thousands of workers across workplaces and industries.

New union-won rights at work: what you need to know

Date Published: 30/07/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work

In the last two years, the union movement has won the biggest changes to workers’ rights in this country in generations. These changes deliver new and improved rights that empower millions of workers.

A genuine pathway for casual workers to become permanent

Date Published: 13/02/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security

There are thousands of casual workers who work regular, ongoing hours – often for years – but are are stuck in insecure work. These are some of their stories.

Closing gig economy and casual loopholes in 2024

Date Published: 12/02/2024
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work

The first part of the Closing Loopholes Bill was a monumental achievement that won vital changes for working people. Part two is just as important.

Casualties of a broken system

Date Published: 22/01/2024
Category: Job Security Work Health and Safety

Less than 5% of casual workers who want permanent jobs can secure one. The second part of the Closing Loopholes Bill includes much-needed changes that will re-balance the relationship between casual workers and employers.

New laws passed – winning fundamental rights for working people  

Date Published: 20/12/2023
Category: Campaign Job Security Politics and Big Business Rights at Work Wages

Part one of the Closing Loopholes Bill has passed the Senate, delivering a much-needed win for Australian workers heading into the holiday season.

Let’s get wages moving again – close the loopholes

Date Published: 17/10/2023
Category: Campaign Job Security Wages

The Closing Loopholes bill was introduced by the Albanese Government in the face of massive price gouging and profiteering by big business that caused a massive inflation spike. The new laws will increase job security, help stop wage theft, make workplaces safer, and help get wages moving again.

Let’s get it done: close the loopholes to improve pay and conditions for workers

Date Published: 05/09/2023
Category: Campaign Job Security Rights at Work Wages Work Health and Safety

New laws, designed to make workplaces fairer and safer for workers, have been introduced by the Albanese Government in Parliament this week.

The horrible reasons why big business loves labour hire

Date Published: 30/05/2023
Category: Job Security

‘Labour hire’ may sound unassuming but behind the label hides terrible wages, unreliable jobs, and poor conditions.

New workplace trend leaves more workers below minimum wage

Date Published: 30/05/2023
Category: Job Security

Any illusions anyone might have still had about the gig work promise of ‘flexibility’ have been well and truly shattered, thanks to two big pieces of research released last week.

Don’t let big business trick you. There’s nothing good about a sham contract

Date Published: 29/05/2023
Category: Job Security

For anyone on an ABN, there’s been a harrowing development: you are more likely to be on a sham contract than a genuine independent contract.

University executives enjoy sky-high profits while students have tutorials delivered from a “hospital bed”

Date Published: 03/11/2022
Category: Job Security

If you or someone you know is thinking about going to university, here’s something you should know. Universities are not run for the benefit of students. And guess what? They haven’t for years.

Working From Home arrangements a chance for workers to re-imagine ‘flexibility’

Date Published: 20/10/2022
Category: Job Security

When the pandemic hit and many workers shifted to working from home, a new avenue opened. We had a taste of what flexibility on our own terms could look like.

Secure jobs and a fair share for workers is an economy that works for people

Date Published: 10/08/2022
Category: Job Security

Corporate executives and conservative politicians like to pretend that everyday people shouldn’t interfere in economics, but the truth is that our top economic goal as a nation should be to give everyone the chance to get a secure and fairly paid job.

Morrison Government outperforms its own poor predictions at a $2000 cost to workers

Date Published: 27/04/2022
Category: Job Security

The release of the 2022 first quarter inflation data has confirmed the worst real pay cut for working people this century.

Casual workers poorer by $350 a week due to insecure work

Date Published: 11/04/2022
Category: Job Security

Casual workers in Australia are earning on average $350 less each week than their permanent full time or part time counterparts, according to a report released by the ACTU.

Latest figures show Morrison may have set you back hundreds of dollars

Date Published: 28/03/2022
Category: Job Security

We have had nine years of wage stagnation under successive Coalition Government, and we are already struggling to keep up with the cost of living.

So when ACTU Secretary Sally McManus posed this question on Twitter on Thursday, the responses were eye-opening.

Morrison Government decisions have left the average worker $800 poorer

Date Published: 15/03/2022
Category: Job Security

Wage stagnation is a direct product of the Liberal Government’s economic design. They have embedded casualisation and precarious work into our national labour force.

Spotlight on Job Insecurity: South Eastern NSW

Date Published: 30/11/2021
Category: Job Security

Workers with insecure jobs have fewer rights, lower pay and limited ability to plan for the future. Read the report into insecure work in FNQ

Spotlight on Secure jobs & Wages: Central Queensland

Date Published: 21/10/2021
Category: Job Security

Insecure work is at crisis levels in central Queensland.  Nearly 4 in 10 workers (38.7%) are in casual work. 1 in 2 workers in central Queensland no longer have a permanent job. Mining and manufacturing companies have been deliberately replacing permanent jobs with insecure ones.  Insecure work is incredibly prevalent in central Queensland. The region is…

Join the global call for secure jobs on World Day for Decent Work

Date Published: 04/10/2021
Category: Job Security

This World Day for Decent Work, unions around the world are calling on Governments to protect secure work. Will you join them?

Record number of Australians working more than one job to survive

Date Published: 28/09/2021
Category: Job Security

A new report has revealed a record number of Australians working more than one job to survive.

“Essential workers” or just “essential work”? The cruel risks of automation in a pandemic

Date Published: 24/09/2021
Category: Job Security Working Life

As big companies move towards automation for profit, we must ensure essential workers are not treated as expendable, writes Lauren Piko

Spotlight on Job Insecurity and Wages: Far North Queensland

Date Published: 23/09/2021
Category: Job Security

Workers with insecure jobs have fewer rights, lower pay and limited ability to plan for the future. Read the report into insecure work in FNQ

Spotlight on Job Insecurity and Wages: Tasmania

Date Published: 02/09/2021
Category: Job Security

The insecure work crisis is hitting the workers of Tasmania hard. Tasmania has the highest level of casual work (26.6%) in the country – that’s 4.7% higher than the national average. Tasmanian workers earn 13% less than the Australian median weekly wage. One in three workers in Tasmania are on insecure work arrangements including casual,…

Unstable work and wages: a product of political will

Date Published: 31/08/2021
Category: Job Security Politics and Big Business Working Life

Last week, the Australian Bureau of Statistics published their employment and wage price index for the June quarter. We take a look beyond the numbers.

Break it down for me: job security and your working future

Date Published: 07/05/2021
Category: Job Security

Working Australians are facing a job security crisis. Let’s break down what that means and why it’s so important to your working future.

Break it down for me: changes to casual work laws

Date Published: 13/04/2021
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

The Morrison government has created new laws that take rights away from casual workers and undermine job security for many others. We break down what the changes to casual work laws mean for you.

A win for workers—and another betrayal by the Morrison Government

Date Published: 19/03/2021
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

The Morrison Government’s IR Bill passed the Senate yesterday, stripped of all but one of its major provisions. This was a win for unions, workers, and the community who campaigned against the changes, writes Chloe Ward.

Meet Mark: an imbalance of power

Date Published: 17/03/2021
Category: Job Security Working Life

Imagine getting laid-off over Christmas, abandoned by your employer, left with nothing while the bills stack up.

It’s a nightmare scenario, but for Mark and 300 of his colleagues, it was all too real.

Meet Sherree: one cut from poverty

Date Published: 10/03/2021
Category: Job Security Rights at Work Working Life

One shift can make all the difference for aged care worker Sherree Clarke. But in the midst of a pandemic, she actually saw fewer of them.

Meet Gaby: a nurse’s concern

Date Published: 03/03/2021
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

As a registered nurse for the past 10 years, Gaby Norman is used to taking care of others. And that’s why, with the Morrison Government proposing dangerous industrial relations legislation, she fears for what’s ahead.

Meet Llwyd: the labour hire roundabout

Date Published: 02/03/2021
Category: Job Security Rights at Work

Llwyd is an electrician based in Brisbane, with nearly three decades’ worth of experience. But he’s trapped on what he calls “the labour hire roundabout”.

Experts warn changes to job security will put public health at risk

Date Published: 16/02/2021
Category: Job Security

No access to paid sick leave and insecure working conditions are putting Australians at greater risk of COVID-19 infection, according to a submission by epidemiologists from ANU in response to the Morrison Government’s proposed IR Omnibus Bill.

End JobKeeper Uncertainty

Date Published: 15/02/2021
Category: Job Security Work Health and Safety

End the uncertainty and anxiety about the future of JobKeeper.

That was the message from ACTU Secretary, Sally McManus, to Scott Morrison on ABC TV’s “Insiders” yesterday.

Underemployment a growing conversation

Date Published: 21/09/2016
Category: Job Security

Last week’s ABS employment data raised the usual discussion about unemployment trends across the country.