The Australian Unions Support Centre can assist you to find and join your union. We can also provide general information about your rights at work.
Phone: 1300 486 466
Email: [email protected]
The RUN Committee has identified a number of major issues for consideration in the coming year, whilst we do not expect any of the matters to be resolved in the short term, nonetheless, we will continue lobbying.
The Retired Unionists Network (RUN) is a national community of retired union members who want to stay informed and active in the movement. RUN is administered by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and connects with retired activist groups right around the country.
The RUN meets via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of every month at 2pm, Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra time. Getting involved in RUN is a great way to meet other activists and keep up with the goings on in the union movement.
The RUN Committee promotes retired members groups around Australia. such as the Vintage Reds of the Canberra Region who recently celebrated their tenth anniversary and the United Fire Fighters Union (UFU) Retired Members Branch in Victoria.
The RUN Committee are compiling information on Retired Unionists Network and the various retired unionists groups throughout the country that can be listed in the ACTU Directory. In the meantime, we have collected the following list.
A survey of Federal election candidates reveals aged care is a high priority across all parties with a major exception – no candidate from the Coalition parties responded.
The RUN recently heard from Carolyn Smith (National Director Aged Care, WA State Secretary, United Workers Union) and Lauren Hutchins (National Director Aged Care, WA State Secretary, United Workers Union) on Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
During my working life, I was a CPSU delegate for 28 years and an ASU delegate for ten years. Since retiring 11 years ago, I have become interested in organising retired unionists and I am now heavily involved in the ACTU Retired Unionists Network.
Local residents and protestors in the Redland City-based electorate of Bowman joined with March4Justice, to rally for respect, justice, and equality for the women of Redlands and calling for the sacking of federal MP Andrew Laming.
The welfare of women and children must be of paramount importance for this nation, writes Janine Kitson from the Unions NSW Retired Unionists group and the Retired Unionists Network Committee.