
Don’t let your retirement savings become a super-massive black hole

Date Published: 18/09/2024
Category: Superannuation Working Life

How would you feel if your boss opened your wallet, took cash out, and kept it for themselves – and got away with it? That’s exactly what is happening right now in super accounts all across Australia.

The march forward to super on paid parental leave

Date Published: 07/03/2023
Category: Campaign Superannuation Women

In most circumstances, superannuation is paid on your annual leave, sick leave and long service leave. But did you know that when you take paid parental leave, you don’t get any super?

Why 2023 is the year to sort out your superannuation

Date Published: 16/12/2022
Category: Superannuation Working Life

Retirement may seem a long way down the track but the money you need to have for a decent retirement cannot be accumulated overnight. It pays – literally – to get on top of your super sooner rather than later.

Goodbye superannuation threshold, hello stable retirement

Date Published: 29/06/2022
Category: Superannuation Women

It’ll soon be time to check those pay slips because you may be one of the workers soon to have a permanent boost to your superannuation.

Billions of superannuation dollars are stolen by dodgy bosses each year – here’s how unions are stepping up

Date Published: 10/05/2022
Category: Politics and Big Business Superannuation

The Auditor General recently released a report slamming the Australian Tax Office for only being “partly effective” at recovering stolen super. In Auditor General speak, that is a huge criticism.

Super Win! Working people will retire with more because of this huge change.

Date Published: 04/11/2021
Category: Superannuation

Earlier this month, workers had a huge win. The $450 income threshold for super guarantee contributions has been removed.  But what exactly does that mean?  Superannuation can be a bit of a beast to unpack, so let’s run through what the threshold is and what it means for you.  The $450 Threshold  The minimum income…

Banks set to profit as Morrison continues attack on retirement savings

Date Published: 18/06/2021
Category: Politics and Big Business Superannuation

Banks are set to profit as workers stand to lose thousands in retirement funds from Government changes to superannuation.

Break it down for me: superannuation

Date Published: 30/03/2021
Category: Superannuation

Superannuation can be hard to get your head around. We get it. That’s why we’re breaking it down, with everything you need to know in one handy guide.

Super: What You Need to Know

Date Published: 03/12/2020
Category: Superannuation

Superannuation can be hard to get your head around. We get it. It’s not exactly a topic of choice over dinner with friends and it’s often hard to understand. It can even be political, and for many, it’s something ‘Future You’ can worry about later.