Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs)
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Across all industries and workplaces, over two-million workers in unions across Australia continue to negotiate higher pay to ensure all members get a fair wage for a fair day’s work. Join your union today and make it happen.Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) are elected by their co-workers to represent them in health and safety matters.
By electing a HSR, workers get more of a say on health and safety issues and receive extra protection under the law. Simply put, workplaces with HSRs are safer workplaces.
A HSR can speak up for workers’ safety, monitor risks and investigate concerns. The core role of a HSR is to:
- represent members of their work group concerning health and safety
- monitor health and safety compliance by employer(s)
- raise health and safety concerns with the employer on behalf of their workgroup
- work to resolve health and safety issues with the employer on behalf of their workgroup.
HSRs are not expected to be a technical expert, or an enforcer’ of safety rules. It is the duty of the employer or their representative to ensure work is healthy and safe. It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a HSR for performing their role.
The rights and powers of HSRs are protected by law. Health and safety laws vary between States and Territories.
Thanks to union-won new work laws, from December 2023, union officials may now enter workplaces to assist when requested by a HSR under a provision of a State or Territory OHS law without having to hold an entry permit (under either the FW Act or another industrial law).
When a union official receives that request for assistance from a HSR, the union official also does not need to provide 24 hours notice, or to only visit the workplace during working hours.
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