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What you should get paid for working over Easter

What you should get paid for working over Easter

Published: 06/04/2023
Category: Rights at Work

What are your rights are when it comes to working (or not working) public holidays

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Australian Unions have your back at work

Are you losing out on superannuation because of quarterly payments?

Are you losing out on superannuation because of quarterly payments?

Published: 05/04/2023
Category: Campaign Superannuation

If superannuation was paid on pay day, it would be a lot easier for you to spot missing super.

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Why a 7% increase to the minimum wage is a matter of survival

Why a 7% increase to the minimum wage is a matter of survival

Published: 03/04/2023
Category: Campaign Wages

For workers who rely on minimum wages, the sheer cost of living doesn’t mean missing out on takeaway coffee or streaming services. Those things are already long gone. It means cutting back on basic needs because there’s nothing else left to cut.

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Quiet hiring and other ways you could be missing out on pay

Quiet hiring and other ways you could be missing out on pay

Published: 29/03/2023
Category: Working Life

Instead of hiring new employees, large companies sneakily dump current staff with more tasks and responsibilities.

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Why do half of Australian teachers want to leave their jobs?

Why do half of Australian teachers want to leave their jobs?

Published: 22/03/2023
Category: Rights at Work

A report from the Black Dog Institute found almost half of Australian teachers are thinking about leaving the profession within the next 12 months.

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Australian Unions have your back at work