Published: 13/06/2021
Category: On The Job
Published: 13/06/2021
Category: On The Job

What is the future of work in the age of the machines and artificial intelligence? Is the idea of having a regular job redundant becoming redundant in the technological age, and if so , what are the implications for workers and their communities?

Or does the age of automation also offer new opportunities for Australian innovators , manufacturing and workers to create new and exciting industries that offer us a whole new range of jobs and a different way fo working?

Ed Husic loves talking about this stuff. Ed is the Labor Member for Chifley in the Federal Parliament and Shadow Minister for Industry and Innovation.

He joins Francis for a chat about how the age of automation doesn’t have to mean the end of work.


More about On The Job podcast


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About the hosts

Sally Rugg, Executive director at Australia – @sallyrugg

Francis Leach, ACTU – @SaintFrankly

Ed Husic on automation and the world of work.

Ed Husic on automation and the world of work.